
Hiring initiatives

Interested in coming on board? Here are some of our ongoing hiring initiatives.

Bus Operators

Operator in a bus

Interested in driving a bus for CTA? You can begin your career as a Bus Operator.

We value our veterans

American flag

CTA is committed to hiring qualified veterans. We value the leadership, intuition, technical skills, and dedication these men and women demonstrated while serving and can bring to our organization. Learn more on our veteran hiring initiatives page.

Second Chance Program

CTA worker cleaning a bus

The Second Chance Program offers candidates with barriers to employment an opportunity with our Bus or Railcar Servicers groups. This valuable work experience may better position candidates for a meaningful full-time career. The Second Chance program is offered in partnership with the City of Chicago, the Department of Family and Support Services and social service agencies. To learn more about eligibility requirements and find contact information for social service agency partners, visit our Second Chance Program page.

Internship program

An intern posing for a picture holding a bus prop

Our paid internship program is open to exceptional undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of academic backgrounds. Find opportunities that fit your field of study, including logistics, transit operations, engineering, technology management, planning and scheduling, human resources, and purchasing. Visit our Internship Program page for more information.

Legal internship program


Our paid legal internship program grants current law students the opportunity to practice law under the supervision and mentorship of a CTA attorney. Our legal interns have taken depositions, represented the agency in arbitrations, presented motions in court, researched and drafted legal memoranda, and reviewed contracts. visit our Legal Internship Program page for more information.

CTA One Summer Chicago High School Internship Program

CTA workers in yellow vests

As the largest corporate partner, the CTA collaborates with the City of Chicago’s One Summer Chicago (OSC) Program to offer over 150 high school students a 7-week paid internship from June-August where they gain work experience, receive mentorship, and participate in weekly professional development activities.

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System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Brown Line
Normal Service
Green Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts