Chicago Transit Board sets Meeting Dates

March 23, 2005

The Chicago Transit Board has set dates for a public hearing on proposed CTA service and fare scenarios and the quarterly meeting of the Citizen's Advisory Board. Both meetings are open to the public.

Citizen's Advisory Board ? April 5

The Chicago Transit Authority's Citizen's Advisory Board will hold its quarterly meeting with the Chicago Transit Board at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5 in the second floor board room at CTA offices located at 567 West Lake Street. Agenda items include discussion of CTA policy matters. The meeting is open to the public and the building is accessible to people with disabilities.

Appointed by the ChicagoTransit Board last June, the Citizen's Advisory Board's 11 members are community leaders from neighborhoods throughout the CTA service area who help advise the Chicago Transit Board on programs and policies that impact communities.

Public Hearing ? April 7

The Chicago Transit Board will hold a public hearing on proposed CTA service reduction and fare increase scenarios at 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 7 at CTA offices, 567 West Lake Street, in the second floor conference rooms. The meeting is an opportunity for individuals to provide comment on the proposed scenarios.

The public also can comment in writing on the proposed scenarios through Friday, April 8. Comments should be addressed to the Chicago Transit Authority, P.O. Box 7563, Chicago, IL 60680-7563, Attention: Gregory Longhini, Assistant Secretary. E-mail comments also may be submitted until April 8 to [email protected]. A detailed description of the proposed service and fare scenarios is available on the CTA's web site at www.transitchicago.com.

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