CTA Posts Monthly Ventra Performance Report

April 10, 2014
The CTA is closely monitoring the performance of the new Ventra fare payment system across several categories, as the agency moves towards full transition to Ventra on July 1.
Specifically, the CTA is monitoring performance requirements in several areas. Those requirements include making sure average call wait times to speak to a Ventra customer service center operator are five minutes or less; that Ventra rail and bus transactions are processed in 2.5 seconds or less, 99 percent of the time; and that vending machines and card readers on both buses and at rail stations have a 99 percent availability or “uptime.”
The vendor, Cubic Transportation Systems, has continued to meet these performance metrics since the first of the year. This performance report shows that during the month of March, Ventra equipment has consistently had a 99 percent availability or “uptime” and card transactions speeds, call center volumes and hold times are all well exceeding their performance standards. The CTA continues to monitor Ventra’s performance closely to ensure consistency.
This monthly report highlights the consistent, strong performance of the system that will complete the transition to Ventra by July 1. The CTA will continue to monitor Ventra’s performance closely to ensure consistency and will continue to post monthly reports to provide updates on system performance.

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