Three CTA 'L' lines will operate with longer trains, and extra customer assistants will be on duty at Loop 'L' stations Saturday, March 15 for spectators heading to the St. Patrick's Day parade. The parade will be held on Columbus Drive in Grant Park.
The parade is scheduled to start at noon, and will proceed north on Columbus from Balbo to Monroe. Michigan Avenue traffic may be slowed briefly at Balbo as groups assembling for the parade cross the street to reach the line of march. Otherwise, bus routes will not be affected.
Trains on the Blue, Brown and Orange Lines will operate with more cars than usual on Saturday from about 10 a.m. until about 4 p.m. Extra customer assistants will be on duty starting at noon at stations on the Wabash side of the Loop 'L' and in the Red and Blue Line subways.
Subway riders can reach the parade area on Columbus by proceeding east on Jackson from the accessible Red and Blue Line Jackson stations. 'L' riders can exit at the Adams/Wabash elevated station and go south on Wabash to Jackson or north to Monroe and then east to Columbus.
For information about all CTA service, call 836-7000 (all local area codes) or visit the CTA web site at www.transitchicago.com.
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