CTA’s Redesigned, Customer-Friendly Web Site Launches Today

December 16, 2008
Site developed to follow modern web standards and accessibility guidelines
The Chicago Transit Authority launched its redesigned transitchicago.com web site today. The site features new tools and intuitive navigation making it easier for customers to access the information they most commonly seek whether from a desktop or from a mobile device.
Improving accessibility for customers with disabilities was a key element in the design of the new site. The new site’s layout and design have all been developed to follow modern web standards, as well as meet both federal and state guidelines for accessibility.
Following Tuesday’s launch, the site will continue to expand and develop as old content is updated and new content is added.
The overhaul of the CTA web site is one of many steps the agency is taking to leverage existing communication tools as well as develop new ones to provide customers with access to clear, timely and easy-to-use service information.
New features and enhancements to transitchicago.com include:
  • Urgent Service Information: in the event of a service disruption, a bright red bar will appear at the top of every page connecting customers to further details and updates surrounding an event impacting service; in a severe service interruption or emergency, the top portion of the homepage will feature a bright red information box.
  • System Status: a new bus and rail service status tool that indicates the current status of each rail line, as well as any bus routes significantly impacted by planned or emergency service changes.
  • Search Field: allows customers to quickly search the site using keywords.
  • Quick Links: will be featured on the top of the home page quickly directing customers to the most frequently referenced materials such as schedules, maps, customer alerts, Bus Tracker, Chicago Card and fare information.
  • Mobile: customers searching for pertinent CTA information via their cell phones or other wireless devices will have access to select content from the web site geared toward mobile users.
  • Multilingual Content: select content from the CTA web site will be available in Spanish, Polish and Chinese Simplified.
  • RSS Feeds: will allow customers to sign up to receive any news or service alerts automatically.
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System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Red Line
Normal Service
Brown Line
Normal Service
Green Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts