November 9, 2000
Five CTA bus lines that operate east of Michigan on Wacker and South Water will be detoured from 5 a.m. Friday, November 10, until 2 p.m. Thursday, November 16.

The affected lines are the #4 Cottage Grove, #6 Jeffery Express, #20 Madison, #122 Illinois Center/NorthWestern Express and #123 Illinois Center/ Union Express. The detours are being made in an area where all five lines end or start their trips.

After ending northbound trips on Columbus at South Water, #4 Cottage Grove buses will begin trips south via Columbus and Randolph to Michigan, making their first southbound stops on Michigan at Washington instead of at Randolph.

#6 Jeffery Express buses arriving downtown northbound on Michigan will turn east on Randolph, make a U-turn at Columbus, and stand westbound on Randolph at Stetson before starting southbound trips via Michigan, Wacker and State.

Rush-period #20 Madison buses will serve Illinois Center via Michigan, Randolph and Columbus to South Water. Return trips will be via Columbus, Randolph and Michigan back to Madison.

Morning rush-period #122 Illinois Center/NorthWestern Express and #123 Illinois Center/Union Express buses will operate east via Wacker, Wacker Place (South Water), Michigan, Randolph and Columbus to South Water.

Afternoon rush-period #122 and #123 buses will begin trips south on Columbus from South Water. They will then operate via Columbus, Randolph and Michigan to Wacker Place before returning to the regular route westbound on Wacker Drive.

For details about all CTA service, call 836-7000 (all local area codes).

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