Frequent Network
Throughout 2025, 20 bus routes will have service added to ensure 10-minute or better scheduled service between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends.
Routes that are part of the Frequent Network will see the highest levels of scheduled service since 2010 when the CTA was forced to implement service reductions due to funding constraints. With the initial set of eight routes going live this Spring, 35% of the population will be within half-mile of a Frequent Route. Once the Frequent Network is fully implemented, by the end of 2025, 70% of the CTA service area will be within a half-mile of a frequent bus route.
The Frequent Network builds on CTA’s Bus Vision Framing Report, which analyzed CTA bus service and identified much needed service improvements on weekends, evenings and midday to ensure CTA’s buses better serve riders, especially low-income and minority riders. The next phase of the Bus Vision Project will provide people in the service area an opportunity to share their input on how CTA bus service can better serve their communities and the attributes of CTA bus service that are most important to them, such as frequency, hours of operation, routing and access to service, among other features.
Frequent routes starting Spring 2025
Later this year