Notice of Public Hearing

February 15, 2016

Chicago Transit Authority
Discontinuation of University of Chicago Bus Route #170 U of C - Midway

Notice is hereby given that the Chicago Transit Authority shall hold a Public Hearing on the proposed elimination of bus route #170 U of C – Midway. The University of Chicago has notified the Chicago Transit Authority that it will discontinue its reimbursement for this route as of May 27, 2016 and the proposal is to eliminate this route as of May 31, 2016. Details outlining the service that is proposed to be eliminated are available on-line at www.transitchicago.com or in the CTA Main Office, 2nd Floor, 567 W. Lake St., Chicago, IL 60661.

You are invited to attend the public hearing that will be conducted at the date, time and location below:

March 1, 2016
6:30 p.m.
University of Chicago
Harris School of Public Policy
Room 140C
1155 E. 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

A presentation will be made by the Chicago Transit Authority regarding this proposal. A Spanish Interpreter will be available on site.

The location is accessible to individuals who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices. A general American Sign Language Interpreter will be available. Individuals with disabilities who require other accommodations should contact Amy J. Serpe, Manager, ADA Compliance Programs, at [email protected], 312-681-2608 or Relay by Tuesday, February 23, 2016.

Written comments may be submitted up to Monday, March 7, 2016, by writing to the following address:

Gregory P. Longhini
Assistant Secretary of the Board
Chicago Transit Authority
567 W. Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60661

Email comments may be submitted up to Monday, March 7, 2016, by writing to [email protected].



Additional information


#170 U OF C – MIDWAY
The Chicago Transit Authority is holding a public hearing to receive input on the proposed elimination of the #170 U of C – Midway. Since September 18, 2000, CTA has been operating this bus route serving the University of Chicago on a subsidized basis, per an agreement with the university. The university has notified the Chicago Transit Authority that it will discontinue its reimbursement for this route, and the proposal is to eliminate the route as of May 31, 2016.

#170 U of C - Midway
The #170 has been operating since September 2000. The route operates during weekday peak hours, year-round, between the 57th Street Metra Station at 57th/Stony Island and Cottage Grove and the Midway Plaisance. Ridership on the route is low, averaging 314 passengers per day. Alternate service exists on other CTA bus routes, including the #2 Hyde Park Express and the #59 59th/61st.





See also...

For easier reference, some information formerly posted in Reports & Notices on this Web site now has its own page. See these pages for complete information about the following:


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