Temporary Bus Adjustments Along CTA’s #8 Halsted and #29 State Routes

July 10, 2009

The HalstedBridge over the Chicago River will be closed to all vehicle traffic on Monday, July 13 from 9:30 a.m. until approximately 2:30 p.m. As a result, #8 Halsted buses will undergo a temporary reroute.

 Northbound #8 buses will operate over the regular route to Halsted/Archer then will operate northeast on Archer to Canal, northeast on Canal to Cermak and west on Cermak to Halsted and resume the regular route. Southbound buses will travel the reverse route.
Customers are advised to allow extra travel time.
In addition, due to a water main replacement project, the northbound near side stop and the southbound far side stop at State and Pershing served by #29 State buses temporarily will be eliminated from Monday, July 13 through Friday, August 21.
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