Photo: Track work at Kimball

Weekday service changes

Jan 13 - 17

Rail Lines




Jan 13 – 16
Mon to Thu, nightly
11pm to 4am each night

Boarding Change, Delays Between Cermak-Chinatown and Grand    

How does this affect my trip?
Board/exit all trains on the 95th-bound side of the platform at the Roosevelt, Harrison, Jackson, Monroe, and Lake stations.

Trains in both directions will operate on the same track between Cermak-Chinatown and Grand, resulting in minor delays.

Allow extra travel time.

Why is service being changed?
We are performing track maintenance to ensure that trains continue to operate safely along the Red Line.


Bus Routes

The bus reroutes listed below are short-term reroutes during this week or long-term reroutes beginning this weekend. For a full list of bus reroutes currently in place, please visit the Bus Alerts page.


#52A South Kedzie Temporary Reroute

Tue, Jan 14
8am to 5pm or completion

How does this affect my trip?
Buses will operate in both directions via Kedzie, 103rd, Pulaski, and 111th, then resume their normal route on Kedzie. 

Allow extra travel time. 

Why is service being changed?
Buses are rerouted due to utility maintenance on Kedzie at 107th. 


#66 Chicago Temporary Reroute

9am, Mon, Jan 13 to 4pm, Fri, Jan 31 or completion

How does this affect my trip?
Westbound buses will operate via Chicago, Kedzie, Augusta and Hamlin, then resume their normal route on Chicago. 

Eastbound buses are not affected. 

Allow extra travel time. 

Why is service being changed?
Buses are rerouted due to construction.


#82 Kimball-Homan Temporary Reroute

Fri, Jan 17
9am to 4pm or completion

How does this affect my trip?
 buses will begin their trips at 31st/Central Park, then continue their route on Central Park. 

Southbound buses will operate via Central Park, and 31st, then resume their normal route on Lawndale. 

Allow extra travel time. 

Why is service being changed?
Buses are rerouted due to construction on Lawndale at 30th. 



Customer alerts listed here are based on the latest information known as of the time of publishing. This information is subject to change without notice. While we work to provide information as accurate and reliable as possible, changes, additions, and cancellations are sometimes necessary.

For the latest information, including any changes to the information above or information about unplanned events that affect service, please check the Alerts section of the CTA website or see information pertaining to your route in our System Guide.

System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Red Line
Normal Service
Blue Line
Normal Service
Brown Line
Normal Service
Green Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts