Transit-Supportive Development Plan


The RLE TSD Plan won the 2023 Strategic Plan Award from the American Planning Association – IL Chapter
Click here to learn more about the award


Plan overview

The Red Line Extension (RLE) Transit-Supportive Development (TSD) Plan is a proactive effort to create a guide for future development in the long-disinvested communities located near the RLE project area. It was developed in partnership with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and the City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development and is the culmination of significant community engagement, agency coordination, and technical analysis.

The RLE TSD Plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission on May 18, 2023.

Interested in resources to inform others about the plan? Check out our TSD Factsheet below!

PDFView the TSD Factsheet

Station area summaries

103rd Street station area - active community hub

103rd Street Station Area Development Concept

Vision: active community hub

The 103rd Street station area community hub will be comprised of complementary land uses surrounding the station to include, but not be limited to, retail, affordable housing, education, community services, and land uses that will serve both neighborhood residents and transit riders.

Click here to learn more about the plan for this station area in the TSD Plan!

Development potential

Retail icon

gross square feet of new retail

Housing icon

new infill & rehab housing units

Investment icon

$360 million+
development investment

111th Street station area - health & wellness district


Vision: health & wellness district

The 111th Street station area will be a Health and Wellness district with clustered development that offers connections to jobs and activity along Halsted Street, in the Roseland Community Medical District (RCMD), the historic Pullman neighborhood, and the Pullman Industrial Corridor.

Click here to learn more about the plan for this station area in the TSD Plan!

Development potential

Retail icon

gross square feet of new retail

Housing icon

new infill & rehab housing units

Investment icon

$460 million+
development investment

Michigan Avenue station area - thriving commercial corridor


Vision: thriving commercial corridor

The Michigan Avenue Station area will be a thriving mixed-use shopping district in the heart of Roseland, with renovated historic buildings, new infill development featuring commercial destinations, increased access to housing, and improved connections to all forms of transit.

Click here to learn more about the plan for this station area in the TSD Plan!

Development potential

Retail icon

gross square feet of new retail

Housing icon

new infill & rehab housing units

Investment icon

$850 million+
development investment

130th Street station area - vibrant & connected community


Vision: vibrant & connected community

The 130th Station area will be a historic, vibrant, connected, environmentally sustainable community with equitable access to jobs, healthy food, amenities, schools, open space, and transit.

Click here to learn more about the plan for this station area in the TSD Plan!

Development potential

Retail icon

gross square feet of new retail

Housing icon

new infill & rehab housing units

Investment icon

$37 million+
development investment

Economic development and implementation

A consistent focus of the RLE TSD Plan is the importance of development occurring to benefit the existing residential and business community, in addition to attracting new business and facilitating population growth. The TSD Plan emphasizes the need for balanced, responsible development and growth without displacement.

Four focus areas and corresponding goals were established to guide implementation. Recommendations, strategies and actions that can be applied at the RLE corridor-wide level and in each of the four station areas are articulated in greater detail in the Strategy and Action Plan Matrix in the TSD Plan. Each action item identifies key financial resources, support programs, anticipated timeframe, and potential partnerships that can help facilitate the realization of the community’s vision.

Focus areas & goals

Housing icon

Housing development & affordable housing stock

  • Goal 1: Encourage vibrancy and resiliency (Anti-Displacement)
  • Goal 2: Broaden access to quality, affordable, and diverse housing options
Business icon

Business development, retention & support

  • Goal 3: Retain and expand local businesses
  • Goal 4: Attract new local businesses
  • Goal 5: Identify, enable and promote existing commercial and cultural assets
Community icon

Community wealth & capacity building

  • Goal 6: Provide access to education and workforce training
  • Goal 7: Achieve equitable economic development
  • Goal 8: Drive community wealth building and generational prosperity
Social infrastructure icon

Social infrastructure

  • Goal 9: Promote wellness
  • Goal 10: Communicate, create & coordinate to magnify investment

Planning process & community engagement

This plan would not be possible without the significant participation and input from stakeholders and residents in the project area. The planning and community outreach process was broken down into three major phases:

  • Discovery: Assessing and documenting community strengths, needs, and goals.
  • Creating a vision: Establishing cohesive and concise statements of the community’s vision for the future.
  • Creating a plan: Identifying action steps to achieve the vision; refining financial and development recommendations and strategies.

Each phase included numerous stakeholder conversations and a broader community meeting for reviewing findings and concepts. This TSD Plan is a summary of the conclusions from those meetings and information gathered on different topics as the team progressed through the three plan phases.



Supplementary reports

The following section presents a collection of Supplementary Reports that were created during the development of the Red Line Extension Transit-Supportive Development Plan. While these reports provided essential information and played a crucial role during the planning process, they are not official elements of the final adopted plan.

These documents reflect the iterative process of information-gathering, analysis, and discussion that contributed to the final outcomes of the TSD Plan. They represent snapshots of the work at specific points in time, and they might contain recommendations or ideas that evolved or were refined in the final version of the plan.

CTA is providing these supplementary reports for informational purposes only, to offer a deeper understanding of the planning process and the factors considered during the development of the Plan. They can be valuable for anyone interested in studying the evolution of the plan or understanding the complexity of considerations involved in such a substantial project.

Please note that these reports are not the definitive source for the final recommendations and decisions adopted in the plan. For the final and authoritative plan recommendations, please refer to the Red Line Extension Transit-Supportive Development Plan as adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission.